A Taste of Smell - chronicle 067

A Taste of Smell

Sunday, 1st of July 2018, after an evening with the Sons of Archery Challenge followed by a regular Sunday morning shoot, the afternoon siesta came with a big surprise.

My brain, and as far as I known the brains of many, can reproduce rather accurately sounds (phrases, music etc.) and images (real life experiences or from video's). Sometimes twisting the perceived reality and perhaps even often. But these “memories” seem real or at least realistic.
My brain can, with some effort, reproduce tastes also. I've no idea whether other people can do that too.
Curiously though, the sense closely related to taste, i.e. smell, was up till this day out of reach. Or better, I can't remember having reproduced a realistic one.
My smell is rather well developed, despite that I smoke, which very often is an argument for diminishing that capability. But perhaps it is more related to the fact that I pay attention to scents around me all the time, and not so much to an intrinsic capability.

This particular afternoon I was dreaming. While sitting and on the phone, a woman came to stand to my left and put an arm around my shoulders. I leaned towards her and put my head against her hips.
At that moment I smelled her body odor combined with a light fragrance.
That scent was so realistic and perceiving it was such a new experience, that it surprised me even in my dream and woke me up.

I think that if ever the same scent crosses my path I would recognize it. So far it hasn't.
And I definitely want to train my brain to reproduce scents again. It was a lovely experience.


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